British Army Training Center Kathmandu

The Distinguished Brigade of Gurkhas

The Distinguished Brigade of Gurkhas: A Legacy of Excellence

10 Jan, 2024

The Brigade of Gurkhas stands as a unique and revered institution within the British Army, boasting a reputation for producing some of the finest and most formidable soldiers globally. With over 4000 Gurkhas currently serving in various trades, the Brigade of Gurkhas continues to uphold its legacy of excellence.

Recruitment Process

Gurkhas are exclusively recruited from Nepal, where every year, thousands of young individuals strive for a coveted position among the Gurkhas. The recruitment process is rigorous, allowing only a select few to join the ranks of this esteemed brigade.

Singapore Police Training Center
British Army Gurkha Training Center

The first step in the recruitment process is the Online Registration, where interested individuals looking to join the British Army and Singapore Police Force must register their names online. This phase is followed by Phase 1 (Registration), a ten-week program held at British Gurkhas Pokhara and British Gurkhas Dharan. Successful candidates move on to Phase 2 (Initial Selection), a six-week phase also held at British Gurkhas Pokhara.

Combining both BA & GCSPF Phase 2 (Initial Selection), this phase scores and places individuals in an Order of Merit (OOM). The top candidates proceed to Phase 3 (Final Selection), a five-week program acting as the ultimate filter to identify those suitable for service in the GCSPF and BA.

Eligibility Expansion

Exciting news for applicants - citizens from the Kathmandu Valley are now eligible to apply, broadening the pool of potential recruits.

Joining the Brigade of Gurkhas is not just a career choice; it's a commitment to excellence and a legacy of valor.

Gurkha Action Pre-Military Academy: Your Gateway to Success:

For those seeking pre-training for the British Army and Singapore Police Force, Gurkha Action Pre-Military Academy stands as the ultimate preparatory institution. Renowned for its commitment to excellence, the academy provides unparalleled guidance and training to individuals aspiring to join the prestigious Brigade of Gurkhas.

In summary, the Brigade of Gurkhas continues to maintain its high standards of recruitment and training, ensuring that only the best candidates become a part of this illustrious tradition. If you aspire to join this legacy of excellence, the journey begins with the Brigade of Gurkhas recruitment process, supported by preparatory excellence at Gurkha Action Pre-Military Academy. Your path to a distinguished military career starts here!

Gurkha Action Training Center
Gurkha Action Training Center
Gurkha Action Training Center
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